More Exponential Activities, Class Activities, Videos, And Websites

Hey class,
If you are interested in watching more videos on exponential functions that involve both growth and decay, please click on the following links:
In this class activity, students can grow bacteria so that they can learn first-hand aobut exponential growth as well as scientific notation. This is great in connecting math with biology.
This link illustrates how an exponential growth of CO2 is negatively affecting our atmosphere and our environment and ecosystem. What can we do to stop the exponential rise of CO2 levels?

Interesting and educational websites that can provide more information on exponential functions:

Exponential Functions

Hello class!

I hoped you liked the video on exponential growth and decay. ( It is an important conecpt in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics.

What makes it more interesting is that it can be drawn on a Cartesian graph. Using graphing paper, can you draw a function that grows exponentially and another that decays exponentially?

Have a nice day!

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